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11. Now for the really fun part!

Writer's picture: Deb BodineDeb Bodine

OK, back to that curtain.

It was a bit of a challenge getting it up, so I solicited help from my partner-in-crime, known by the grandkids as Opa. By the time we successfuly installed the curtain, I had lots of other names for him, but that's another story. In the end, the curtain serves the purpose well. Would I have liked it to be a bit brighter? Sure, but I am a perfectionist and kids have wonderful imaginations, so it does the trick.

I am pretty chuffed about how the Fairy Forest has turned out so far. The hard work is done; now comes the fun part! Accessorizing!

I am a bargain shopper from way back. In another life, I wrote an anecdotal weekly column in a community newspaper called "Born to Shop". With each instalment, I focused on a place in town where I found incredible deals, like discount stores, warehouse sales, factory and liquidation outlets. I shared with my readers how I inherited my love of bargain shopping from my maternal grandmother, who ignited my passion. And I spent way more than I earned. I could never walk away from a good deal.

So, when it came to searching out items to create the perfect, magical ambiance for my project, I was (and still am!) in my glory. Countless hours have already been spent online, and in dollar stores and thrift shops, chasing the ideal items at the lowest price possible.

For this Fairy Forest to have any appeal for the grandkids, I knew I would have to provide some reason to be there, so a selection of toys, books and craft supplies became essential. But first, I needed somewhere to store those lures I had yet to find. Some sort of shelving system or bookcase became a top priority.

It amazes me the creative options that are out there in the magical, seductive land of commerce. My first idea was to find some kind of shelf that fit in with the forest ambiance, and the Internet didn't disappoint! Let me rephrase did, indeed, disappoint, because everything comes at a price, and I was looking for cheap. I found a few options that, if I had won a lottery, I would have jumped at. (Of course, if I had won a lottery, I would have expanded the project from the 8' X 4' closet nook to an entire room, or a backyard treehouse....but I digress.) And the those who are handier than we are, there are lots of plans online to build your own creation.

Here are a few of my favourite finds.

Alas, I had to set my sites a little lower than these works of art, and in the end, I have opted to recycle an office bookcase currently stored in our basement. Heavy sigh.

Speaking of heavy, the thing weighs a ton, and there are two flights of stairs between the bookcase and the Fairy Forest. Opa and I will have to disassemble the monstrosity and carry it up piece by piece, then put it back together. This may take a while. Better get the swear jar emptied and ready to go.

That's the bad news. The good news is, it is the perfect size to fit at one end of the closet, and will be plenty big enough, and sturdy enough, to do the trick. Cost $0. I better get busy finding treasures to fill it up.


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